Highland Council sports facility investment in Lochaber

The Highland Council has written to Lochaber Sports Association outlining the Council’s investment in sports facilities in Lochaber over the last ten years and to outline future plans as known at this stage.

The letter is to inform Lochaber Sports Association of the Council’s previous and proposed commitments during the Association’s considerations of building an indoor sports training area in Fort William.

Douglas Wilby, Highland Council’s Senior Leisure and Learning Officer detailed in the letter a list of completed and current projects in Lochaber area totalling between £6.8 and £7.8 million which include:

Mr Wilby said: “Future projects which are being actively developed, or are being considered are: Caol and Lochyside Primary School £12.5 M, Fort William and Upper Achintore Primary School £9.5 M, Gaelic Primary School £8 M, Lochaber High School £13M,  and a shinty sized artificial pitch at Blar Mhòr.

He added: “The detail of the sports provision in the new primary schools has still to be considered, however, they will be a significant improvement on the current provision and will provide sports facilities which will be available for public booking.
“The development of an artificial pitch at Blar Mhòr is a priority for local Councillors (for which funding has yet to be identified) in terms of the gap in provision which it will fill. They are keen to provide a multi-sports pitch which is large enough to accommodate competitive sport, including shinty.”

8 Jul 2011