Inverness Area YouthBank visit Durham University

Earlier this month a delegation of four young people from the Inverness Area Youth Forum attended a weekend residential at Durham University, Stockton-on-Tees, as part of their YouthBank project.

They travelled with young people from YouthBanks in Ross & Cromarty and Nairn, and spent the weekend in workshops and group activities aimed at encouraging them to think about how they can make their YouthBank work better for all young people.  The workshops tackled issues such as including young people with disabilities, defining community, decision making, and publicity and promotion.

The residential was organised by YouthBank UK and as well as a learning experience, it provided the young people from Inverness with the opportunity to meet young people from other areas of Britain and share their different experiences of running a YouthBank.

The group have also set up a website, so for more information visit  or call (01463) 229209.

28 Aug 2006