Business Gateway gives vital support to local venture

A former soldier who began a second career as a self-employed woodsman, is now offering nationally accredited courses in traditional woodman’s skills.

A decorated army SNCO for 17 years, Mike Ellis who lives in Helmsdale, Sutherland has always been interested in woodcraft and has learned and developed his skills since leaving the forces in 1999.

Forming his business, Helmsdale Charcoal and Coppice, in February last year, he has worked hard to develop his enterprise during that time.

Increasingly his services as an instructor have been in demand from organisations such as the Forestry Commission amongst others.

With the support of Business Gateway Mike now runs woodsman and coppicing courses on a monthly basis all year round and has been amazed at the level of interest in them.

He said: “I have always been interested in traditional methods of managing the woods. These skills are rarely used now but obviously the woods still need to be looked after and managed. I am a professional coppicer which means I’m a specialist in the ancient craft of cutting trees and shrubs to ground level to allow vigorous re-growth. I then moved into charcoal production but I always had a desire to teach others the skills I had acquired.

“I set about becoming an accredited instructor and created a course that is equivalent to an A level but taught over five days. It is quite intensive but the feedback has been great so far. Everyone who has completed it has said they really enjoyed the five days and loved learning about the woods. I have been surprised by the amount of people who have signed up. Some want to know more out of interest and others want to learn with a view of turning it into a career.”

Mike got in contact with Business Gateway through the service’s regional development officer for Sutherland, David Knight, who arranged for Mike to receive a start-up grant with which he bought a portable charcoal kiln and ancillary equipment.

He later received a small amount of funding towards the costs of marketing his new venture at three shows, the Highland Game Fair at Moy, Sutherland Agricultural Show and the Helmsdale Games.

Mike made valuable contacts at these events and although he had been running his woodland skills venture for some time, Mike still took up the offer of a place on a Business Gateway start-up course and was surprised by how relevant it was to him, despite his business experience.

Mike said: “The assistance I have received from Business Gateway has been, and continues to remain, invaluable, not only from the financial aspect but also the continued support and interest from David.”

David Knight commented: “Business Gateway was particularly pleased to help Mike and his business. Helmsdale Charcoal and Coppice offers products and services that reflect, protect and celebrate Sutherland’s fantastic natural woodland resource. Offering an unusual service in the North, Mike Ellis has given his new business the best chance to succeed by attending a range of Business Gateway courses and networking events which complement his own considerable skills and experience.”

Business Gateway provides practical help, advice and support for new and growing businesses in Scotland.

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11 Jul 2011