Customer Services Network : Revised Opening Hours
Following the review of the Customer Services Network (pdf, 155 kb) approved by The Highland Council in December 2010, the agreed changes are now being implemented across the Highlands.
The Council is increasing its partnership working with other public sector agencies across the Highlands and reviewing opening hours in line with customer demand.
The planned changes will take place over the next two months on a phased basis in order to ensure a smooth transition to the new opening hours without causing disruption to customers.
New opening hours at Service Points at Fort Augustus, Grantown and Hilton, Inverness will take effect from Monday 18 July.
Service Points will continue to offer access to a range of Council services and for complex enquiries, such as Registration of Births, Deaths and Marriages, the Customer Services Network will provide an appointments service.
All changes to opening hours will be advertised on the Council's website and via posters displayed in the affected offices. Customers can also contact the Council by telephone on 01349 886606 Mon-Fri 8am-6pm, Sat 9am-12pm