Inverness parade on Saturday 23 July

The people of the Highlands are urged to come out and show their support for the fighting arms of the Armed Services when Sailors from the First Mine Counter Measures Squadron (MCM1), Soldiers from C Company 7 Scots and Airmen from RAF Kinloss will join veteran and cadet organisations to march through the streets of Inverness to the Armed Forces Day celebration at the Inverness Highland Games in Northern Meeting Park on Saturday 23 July.   The Parade has been organised by the Royal British Legion Inverness Branch.

The MCM1 Squadron Staff are based in HMNB Clyde (Faslane) with 7 Sandown Class Minehunters under the Command of Commander David Bence, formerly the Commanding Officer of HMS Inverness, who prior to decommissioning in 2005 received the Freedom of the City (the ship’s bell is in the Council’s Town House).   Recently returned from Operational Commitments in the Middle East, the staff are looking forward to revisiting the city after taking part in the Remembrance Service last year where they took the opportunity to visit the Highland Hospice and the Leonard Cheshire Home which they will visit again on Saturday (23rd).

As well as leading the parade, the sailors will take a dip in Loch Ness as part of their training for a 22 mile swim along the length of Loch Lomond on 1 Sep to raise funds for ‘Canine Partners’ who provide trained dogs to assist people with disabilities, including members of HM Forces injured on duty, to enjoy a greater independence and quality of life.  Anyone wishing to sponsor the sailors or read of their adventures can do so at:--

7 SCOTS is the TA Infantry Battalion for the North of Scotland, C company encompasses Inverness, Stornoway and Wick.  Its battalion headquarters are in Perth with detachments are in Aberdeen, Dumbarton, Dundee, Dunoon, Keith, Kirkcaldy, Peterhead and Stirling. 

The Airmen represent RAF Kinloss which was earmarked for closure in the Strategic Defence Review in October 10.  Although the flying Squadrons were disbanded at the end of May, the airfield has continued to hold exercises and a number of Station personnel remain to move equipment and to drawdown the Station.  Over 70 personnel of various trades are currently serving overseas many in conflict zones. 

The itinerary for the day includes:

1230 hrs :  Parade forms up at the Eastgate.
1300 hrs :  Parade marches off to the Town Hall 
Salute taken at the Town House.  On the Dais will be:-
The Lord Lieutenant Donald Cameron of Lochiel
The Provost of Inverness Jimmy Gray
 Honorary Air Commodore Major General Seymour Monro CBE LVO    Honorary   Air Commodore No 2622 (Highland) Sqn Royal Auxiliary Air Force   Regiment,  RAF Lossiemouth.
 Sir Alistair Irwin KCB, CBE, President of the RBL Scotland.

1345 hrs:  Parade will pass the Cathedral en-route to the Northern Meeting Park via the Cathedral.
1345 hrs:   Drumhead Service and medal presentation to Veterans.

Parade Commander:  Lieutenant Commander Simon Kelly, Royal Navy.

Other Dignitaries are: Station Commander RAF Kinloss, Group Captain JJ Johnston

Warrant Officer 1 Craig Campbell MBE (42) of MCM 1 Squadron said:  “As a Squadron and a serving sailor we were extremely proud and honoured to be affiliated with Inverness and we are delighted to be welcomed back for Armed Forces Day.”

Captain Dougie Smith said:   “C Company 7 SCOTS are proud to be taking part in the Inverness Armed Forces Day parade on Sat 23rd of July 2011 and as we do so we will be mindful of the huge commitment given and in some cases” the ultimate sacrifice” by our Servicemen and Women in the pursuit of freedom and liberty for all, we shall also feel proud of the 11 Soldiers from C Company who serve with our regular counterparts today in preparation for their forthcoming tour in Afghanistan and of the 100 plus from C Company who have served in Iraq & Afghanistan in the past.”

Master Aircrew ‘Nelly’ Campbell (53) from RAF Kinloss said:  “Many of our personnel live in the Inverness area or visit the city frequently and therefore it has a special place in our affections and we are very proud to be marching through the city on Saturday for Armed Forces Day.”

Provost Jimmy Gray said:  “Last year our streets were lined with folk showing their appreciation by applauding the men and women who have contributed so much to our community and I am sure that once again our friends in the Armed Forces both past and present will receive the warmest of welcomes from the people of the Highlands.”

15 Jul 2011