Review of Council office portfolios in Inverness and Dingwall

Members of The Highland Council’s Resources Committee will be asked on Wednesday (8 June) to agree to further developing the review of the Council’s portfolio of offices in Inverness and Dingwall with a view to reducing costs, providing improved and more efficient service delivery, from better performing properties.

Officers, who have just completed a strategic outline case review,  are recommending the Council proceeds to the next stage – the development of an outline business case.

It is anticipated that this rationalisation of office space will take a number of years to deliver and the Council is keen to make the most of opportunities for:

Mr Steve Barron, Director of Housing and Property, said: “The Council is committed to the achievement of best value in service delivery. It has recognised that the rationalisation of its property assets is key to that agenda and the asset management team is working on a range of initiatives with that aim.

“The Resources Committee will consider the findings and recommendations of the strategic outline case review of the Council’s office accommodation in Inverness and Dingwall, and be requested to agree to the review proceeding to the next stage – the development of an outline business case. This will seek to determine a preferred option alongside a recommended procurement route.

“However, at this stage the review makes no assumptions about a preferred option, office location, ownership, procurement or funding, but the process will seek to identify the best value solution which meets the Council’s needs for the long term.”

3 Jun 2011