Last chance for Primary School teachers to receive renewable energy resources

Issued by HIE

Primary 6 and 7 teachers from Highland schools are being offered one final chance to receive classroom resources worth more than £200 when they attend a specially devised training session at the Dingwall Education Centre on Wednesday June 15.

Funded by Highlands and Islands Enterprise (HIE), this workshop is the last of a series of ten being delivered this year and is designed to help teachers explain renewable energy to Primary Six and Seven pupils. The valuable toolkits contain hands-on models, games, factsheets and posters and have been very well received by teachers.

Avril Bremner, a teacher at Smithton Primary, who participated in a workshop in March this year said: “It has been a brilliant resource. Our topic this term is renewable energy so I have just started using the different activities but so far it has been a success with the pupils (and myself!). "

The aim of the project is to raise awareness and understanding of renewable energy and is one of many projects managed by HIE’s STEM North of Scotland initiative to engage young people in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths) and encourage them to consider STEM careers.

During March this year nine training sessions were held across the Highlands and Islands and more than 100 primary teachers took part. It is hoped a further 20 teachers will attend the workshop in Dingwall from 4-6pm on June 15.

For further information and to book a place please contact Laura Robertson on 01463 244528 or


6 Jun 2011