All systems go for Barclay’s Scottish Open at Castle Stuart

Highland Councillors have been assured that plans are taking shape to welcome
visitors to the Barclays Scottish Open Golf Championship at Castle Stuart Links, near Inverness, between 7 -10 July.

Councillors are determined that the city looks at its best for the biggest sporting event to be held in the Highlands; that traffic is efficiently managed,  and that there is plenty for visitors to do away from the golf course.

They also see real opportunities for local businesses to benefit from the influx of golf enthusiasts.

Using The Highland Council’s standard major event multi-agency planning procedures, officials have examined all aspects of the event and are on course to obtain the necessary licences/approvals which are required to enable it to proceed.

A shuttle bus service will be running from Inverness Bus Station to Castle Stuart to minimise congestion on the A 96.

Enhancements include additional floral displays at:

Additional outdoor entertainment is being organised between Wednesday 6 – Saturday 9 July at Falcon Square, High Street; Church Street  and  Inverness Castle – from 7.30 pm.

The Business Community, led by Inverness BID and the Eastgate Shopping Centre, are currently making a number of arrangements including:

The Highland Council, EventScotland and Highlands and Islands Enterprise are sponsors of the Barclay’s Scottish Open Golf Championship and a team will be working at the event to promote Inverness and the Highlands using golf as the focus for this work.

Provost Jimmy Gray, Chairman of the Inverness City Committee, said: “A lot of hard work is going on to ensure that visitors receive the warmest of Highland welcomes and leave with fond and favourable memories.  We want Inverness to look at its best and that there is plenty for people to see and do while they are here.”

6 Jun 2011