Challenge Innovation Fund

The Highland Council has agreed to operate again the Innovation Challenge Fund that was successfully piloted last year. Run by the Council’s Planning and Development Service, it aims to encourage third sector organisations to develop innovative approaches to assist people experiencing barriers to employment into training, work experience or jobs.

The funding is available until March 2012 and therefore only projects that can complete or are substantially committed before the end of March 2012 will be considered. Projects that would fit the criteria are those that –
- Provide short term work that adds value to existing projects;
- Pilot a new approach in a particular area or for a particular group;
- Undertake feasibility/ planning work for further development.

The budget available for the fund will be £100,000 and project costs of up to £10,000 are anticipated, though good quality applications for higher amounts will be given full consideration. Last year 9 organisations received assistance from the fund in nine communities across Highland – from Kingussie to Caithness receiving from £8,000 to £18,500.

Applications should be made with the Council’s Grant Application Form, available through the Council’s Website at

Completed Applications should be returned by 8 July 2011 to:

The Highland Council Grant and Discretionary Funding Applications
The Chief Executive’s Office Grant Applications,
Highland Council Headquarters,
Glenurquhart Road,
Fax: 01463 702830
Return Applications to E-mail:


7 Jun 2011