Council call on Scottish Government to step up mitigation actions ahead of repairs to the A9 Kessock Bridge

The Highland Council is calling on the Scottish Government to ensure more is done to cushion the impact of emergency repairs to the A9 Kessock Bridge scheduled between 19-26 June, including increased national publicity warning drivers of delays.

Councillor John Laing, Chairman of the Council’s Transport Environment and Community Services Committee, has written to Keith Brown, MSP, Scottish Minister for Housing and Transport, highlighting his concerns about the level of disruption that might be caused by the closure of one carriageway for the duration of the works.

The works will be carried out by Scotland Transerv on behalf of Transport Scotland, who are the trunk road operating company for this area.

Councillor Laing wrote:  “I am sure you will appreciate the importance of this transport link which carries a very significant amount on traffic into Inverness each morning from the north, and the level of disruption which will be caused during the morning and evening traffic peaks by these works. 

“While I recognise that the works are essential, I would raise concerns in relation to the lack of public awareness over this matter, and would be grateful if you could ask Transport Scotland to increase their publicity campaign, both in advance of the works and during the works, as a matter of urgency.

“I understand that some mitigation measures are planned including the provision of additional rail capacity, and these are welcomed, however there will still be significant levels of congestion. My concern is that the evening peak may well result in grid lock in Inverness, which will have an adverse impact across Inverness, not just the commuters returning home across the bridge.

“I feel that we need to do more to reduce the impact of these works, and for our part we are advising the staff affected to adopt flexible working arrangements such as, working flexible hours, working from home, or from other local offices, while the works are in place. It would be most helpful if the Scottish Government and our public sector partners were to adopt a similar approach. I would urge you to do all you can to minimise the level of disruption.”

9 Jun 2011