Prompt Council action on removing unauthorised encampment at Inverness

The Council has been liaising with Highland Rugby Club and the police in dealing with the unauthorised encampment at the Canal Pitches, Inverness. The land is owned by the Council and leased to the Rugby Club.

This encampment was notified to the Council on Monday 6 June, the gypsy travellers apparently having accessed the site on Sunday. Council staff visited the site on Monday 6 June, with the Police, and in terms of the Unauthorised Encampment procedures, advised the travellers that we wanted them to vacate the site by the afternoon of Tuesday 7 June. As the travellers did not vacate the site as requested the Council began legal action on the morning of Wednesday 8 June at Inverness Sheriff Court.

The travellers were served with the summons on Wednesday morning by Sheriff Officers, Scott and Co. Today, (Friday) Decree was granted by Sheriff Abercrombie to remove the unauthorised encampment. The Sheriff Officers attended the encampment this afternoon and just after 3 p.m. the gypsy travellers vacated the site.

A spokesman said: "The Council, as any other land owner, is required to take court action to seek the removal of unauthorised encampments if travellers do not move voluntarily.  The Council has responded promptly to the complaint, and has very quickly taken the court action necessary to secure the travellers' removal from the pitches."

10 Jun 2011