HMIe follow-through report on Hilton of Cadboll Primary School

In a follow-through HMIe inspection of Hilton of Cadboll Primary which analysed the progress that had been made to implement inspectors’ key recommendations, the following key strengths were identified:

Her Majesty’s Inspector stated that most children in both the nursery and primary were now more actively engaged and enjoying their learning and that they were highly motivated during lessons and other school activities. Pupils had developed a better understanding about the purpose of their learning and took responsibility for assessing their own work and that of other children. They also stated that the pace of learning in the primary classes had improved with staff setting more challenging and interesting tasks for learners. HMIe also found that staff monitored children’s progress effectively to better plan the next steps in their learning and this planning was effectively in line with Curriculum for Excellence. 

The Inspector noted that the highly committed head teacher, working with her equally committed staff team, had led a range of improvements which had resulted in better learning and social experiences for children at all stages. HMIe stated that there was evidence of significant improvement since the original inspection and that the school now performed better overall. They are confident that the school, with continuing support from the education authority, will continue to improve in the future. As a result, they will make no further visits in connection with this inspection.

Commenting on the report Mrs Marilyn Blackwell, Head Teacher, said: “We are delighted that HMIe highlighted these strengths and gave very positive feedback with no recommendations for action other than to continue with the good work being done. It was pleasing to see that the children’s ‘very good, polite, friendly and helpful behaviour’ was commented on so favourably as well as the strong commitment of staff. Pupils, staff, parents and the wider community have worked together well to develop Curriculum for Excellence and other aspects of school practice and will continue to work together in the future to make Hilton of Cadboll Primary the best it can be.”

Chairperson of the Parent Council, Emma Macdonald, said: “The Parent council is delighted that HMIe have recognised the strengths of the school and we look forward to continue our working together to ensure a high standard of education for our children.”

Councillor Bill Fernie, Chairman of The Highland Council’s Education, Culture and Sport Committee, added: “This report clearly reflects the significant work which staff, pupils and parents have undertaken to address the HMIe’s recommendations from May 2010. It is very pleasing to note that HMIe have made no further recommendations for the school and that the school has the appropriate processes in place to identify what it does well and where it needs to improve in the future. I have no doubt that the school will continue to go from strength to strength.”

14 Jun 2011