New mosaic for Charleston Academy unveiled

P7 pupils from six feeder primary schools have helped to create an eye-catching mosaic which will go on display at Charleston Academy.

122 pupils from Kinmylies, Muirtown, Dochgarroch, Kirkhill, Tomnacross, Teannassie and Beauly primary schools have worked with ceramic artist Kira Brown and the Highland Council’s Youth Development Officer, Nicola Rasdale to produce a new piece of artwork.

The art project came about after consultation with the Charleston Academy Highland Youth Voice representatives about youth provision in the Charleston area,

Nicola Rasdale said:  “The young people we spoke to came up with the idea of an art project to produce something that would brighten up the community and make the entrance to the school more appealing.  I thought this would be a brilliant chance to get all the Primary 7’s from all the catchment primary schools included. All the pupils really enjoyed taking part. It was a great team building exercise and it allowed the young people to take some ownership of their new school.”

The sessions to make the mosaic were run between March and May and the project was funded by the local Highland Councillors through their discretionary budget.

Inverness West councillors Alasdair Christie, Pauline Munro and Alex Graham said: "These mosaics are very impressive, and the yound people who spent so much time making them are to be highly commended."
All the young people will achieve a Dynamic Youth Award for taking part which will be awarded at a celebration ceremony next term.

Colin Webster from Youth Scotland, the youth organisation that offers Dynamic Youth Awards, said: “Congratulations to the young people and to Nicola. The mosaic is a terrific piece of work.  We are delighted that the P7 pupils are having their hard work and creativity accredited with Dynamic Youth Awards.”

There has been so much enthusiasm and support for the art project that the Youth Development Team will be running a workshop with local Graffiti artist Clair Nichols as part of The Highland Councils summer programme. The end product will be displayed on the Charleston Underpass. If anyone would like to get involved in the project please contact Nikki Rasdale on 07774337735.



15 Jun 2011