Joint Caithness Wards Forum to discuss planning for integration

Planning for the integration of care, health and education and children’s and adult services will be the main topic of discussion at the next Highland Council Joint Caithness Wards Forum on Tuesday 21 June. The meeting is being held at Mackay’s Hotel, Wick, and starts at 7.30 pm.

The Highland Council and NHS Highland are planning the integration of health, care and education services for children and adults and wish to consult with the community.

Having developed closer joint working over recent years, both The Highland Council and NHS Highland believe that it is possible to achieve even greater integration.  They believe that this will further improve front line services, achieving better outcomes for the users of services, and they want to consult with community groups about these plans.

The organisations believe that the proposals for integration will:

The proposed changes are significant because they:

Garry Coutts, Chairman of NHS Highland, has said: “NHS Highland and The Highland Council appreciate that people want health and social care delivered in a straightforward way, with minimal bureaucracy.  They want the services they need, delivered quickly and efficiently, and as local to where they live as possible.  That is what we are seeking to do, through the integration of children’s and adult services, and we are keen to talk through the detail with local communities.”
Landward Councillor David Flear, who will chair the Forum, said: “This is a matter that is very close to my own heart with my background being in Social Care. When constituents want to raise an issue about health and social care, it does not really matter to them who funds that service, they just want it sorted.  We are looking at new ways of delivering services, and as part of that, we want to ensure improved local accountability. This meeting will provide an opportunity to discuss and consider how that is best achieved.”

The meeting will be held in public and there will be a 20 minute session at the close of the meeting for the public to ask questions.  People with specific needs who wish to attend the Ward Forum should contact David Sutherland, Ward Manager on tel: 01955 607740 in advance to advise of any requirements.  Further information on the forthcoming Ward Forum can also be found on The Highland Council website from the home page via ‘your Council Ward.


15 Jun 2011