National Convener of Children's Hearings Scotland visits Highland

Bernadette Monaghan, the National Convener of Children’s Hearings, Scotland, today (Thursday) met with members of The Highland Children’ Panel Advisory Committee as part of her consultation with local authorities on the future structure and function of the Children’s Panel Area Support Teams. 

Her post, and the reform of the Children’s Hearings system that is underway, are all the result of the Children’s Hearings (Scotland) Act 2011, which was passed in January 2011.

As part of her visit, Ms Monaghan had the opportunity to meet with other local authority representatives, including Councillors, representatives from the Police and the Health Service, and the District Chairmen of the Highland Children’s Panel.

She said: “I am delighted to have been appointed to this new role and to have been given the opportunity to implement the reforms which I believe will strengthen the hearings system and bring consistency. My immediate priority is to set up area support teams and I look forward to working with Highland CPAC, the panel chair and the local authority to put in place the right structure, so that panel members here and across the country, are fully supported and young people have a high quality hearing. The fundamental Kilbrandon Principles remain, however. That is local people, specially selected and trained, making decisions about children in their community. I would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone involved for their commitment and support to the system."

Mrs Patricia Moore, chairman of the Highland CPAC, said: “We were delighted to meet with Ms Monaghan and to have the opportunity to feed into the national debate.  Whatever the final composition of the administrative side of the Children’s Panel, what will be essential to the future success of the system is the quality of the volunteers who give up their time to sit on Hearings to improve the lives of vulnerable children and young people across the Highlands.”

 Recruitment for volunteers for the Children’s Panel normally takes place annually in the autumn.  It is unlikely that recruitment will take place in 2011, as a result of the reforms that are taking place, but anyone wishing to register an interest in becoming a member of the Children’s Panel in the future should contact Fiona MacBain 01463 702958, Email


16 Jun 2011