Highland Council underpins commitment to less waste for Recycle Week

The Highland council has called on residents to recycle something new today as part of its pledge to support Recycle Week, Scotland’s first dedicated week to promoting recycling. 

Running this week, from Monday 20 to Sunday 26 June, Recycle Week is a Zero Waste Scotland initiative which aims to encourage householders to put waste to good use and recycle a little more. Members of the Council’s Waste Aware Team will be involved in various events throughout the week hoping to encourage everyone to play a more active role in looking after our environment by recycling more of our waste.

Councillor John Laing, Chair of TECS, said:  “We all produce some waste, whether we are at work or at home.  But rather than viewing this as rubbish, we should see it as a valuable resource.  Recycling more can bring both social and economic benefits to local communities, as well as positive environmental impacts. 

“By making small changes to our lifestyle and habits, recycling more is something that most of us can easily do.  Most people are already making a commendable effort to recycle, but with the wide variety of materials suitable for recycling, the amount of rubbish we send to landfill could definitely still be reduced and put to good use. 

“This Recycle Week, why not focus on recycling more from different rooms around the home?  If you keep your recycling containers in the kitchen, it’s easy to forget that the shampoo bottles from the shower or the old clothes from the bedroom cupboard can be recycled too.

“Another idea might be to change a habit in your workplace.  Instead of putting used teabags in a general waste bin, ask about setting up a food waste recycling bin there too.”

For more top tips on how you could recycle more, including items suitable for recycling, visit http://www.highland.gov.uk/recycle.htm. 


21 Jun 2011