City Provost backs campaign for public to stop feeding seagulls

The Provost of Inverness, Councillor Jimmy Gray is supporting The Highland Council’s campaign to raise awareness of the problem of seagulls nesting in urban areas.  

Provost Gray has welcomed the addition of stickers on city centre rubbish bins that urge people not to feed seagulls. 

He said: “Although the local authority has no statutory duty to take action against gulls the Council continues to receive complaints from homeowners and the public about the misery that gulls cause during the nesting season in the City. 

“Gulls will continue to live here if there is a ready-made supply of food for them which is provided by us humans. We must make sure that we don’t feed gulls either deliberately or inadvertently and put all food scraps and waste into public or commercial bins either at home or in public spaces.” 

In addition to placing seagull stickers on city centre and riverside rubbish bins, The Highland Council has produced a guidance leaflet on seagull control which is available on the Council’s website at: and from Council Service Points, Libraries and TEC Services offices. 

The leaflet provides information, advice and education on gulls and the law; problems caused by and the controlling of gulls; deterrent measures. The leaflet also explains that only licensed contractors with specialist skill and experience are legally allowed to kill certain species of gulls and what homeowners and businesses can do to prevent gulls nesting on their properties.  


23 Jun 2011