Water Boost for Highland Developments

Scottish Water has unveiled plans to invest in quality and growth schemes in dozens of communities across the Highlands in a bid to enable more development to proceed.

As part of an ongoing commitment, Scottish Water’s Head of Development Alan Thomson and members of his Development Response Team, met again with the council this week to look in more detail at where investment is needed to relieve building constraints.

Alan Thomson said: “Scottish Water is doing all it can to progress development in the Highlands. We have had another very constructive meeting with the council and we will be able to release further development in the near future as a result. Dozens of schemes involving growth and quality are to be progressed right across the North.

“The Highlands has already seen record investment in recent years which has not only brought huge environmental improvements and given thousands of people better quality drinking water, but it has also ensured that house building has continued in many areas. The demand for new homes in one of Britain’s most beautiful regions is high, and we are committed to doing everything we can to help this region prosper by providing the right levels of infrastructure.”

The Highland Council delegation was led by Convener Councillor Alison Magee, who was encouraged by the outcome of the talks. She was particularly pleased that Scottish Water had presented a proposed programme for improving water and waste water supplies throughout the Highlands over the next four years.

She hoped more detailed information - such as the timings of specific projects - could be presented to the Council when it meets next on Thursday 7 September

She said: "We are seeing real progress from Scottish Water, who have a vital role to play in helping meet the housing and business growth being experienced across the Highlands. It is vital all the key agencies in the Highlands work together to ensure we maximise the benefits of the Scottish Water investment."

Also present at the meeting were Councillor Michael Foxley, Vice-Convener, Councillor Sandy Park, Chairman of Planning Development Europe and Tourism, and Councillor Margaret Davidson, Chairman of Housing and Social Work, together with senior council officials.

Alan Thomson pledged Scottish Water would target investment to create capacity for new housing projects as quickly as possible. Significant long term investment is being planned and until this can be achieved, we are working on other innovative ways to help much needed housing to be progressed.

This includes a number of leakage reduction schemes with work already underway in Portree and Blackpark. Leakage schemes have already been carried out in Inverness, Gorthleck, Dingwall and Alness. Many other schemes are being initiated to cut water loss from our ageing network of pipes and further details on these projects will be announced in the next few weeks.

Said Alan: “This is good news for the Highlands and also for Scottish Water as new homes mean more customers. Scottish Water is one part of the process and joint working with other groups is the key. We all have an important part to play.”



1 Sep 2006