Dingwall and Seaforth Ward Forum first to hear budget consultation outcomes

On Tuesday 8 March The Highland Council’s Dingwall and Seaforth Ward Forum will hear the outcomes of the budget consultation that was carried out across the Highlands last year.  The Forum will also hear how the consultation informed the shape of the Council’s budget that was set at The Highland Council committee on the 10 February.   

Highland Council’s Budget Leader, Councillor David Alston will outline how the information from the public was used in setting the budget and Alan Geddes, Director of Finance, will outline the budget detail.

Councillor Angela MacLean who is chairing the meeting said:  “Highland Council has been through an important process in involving the public across the Highlands asking for their opinions on how the council’s budget should be spent.  Feedback from Ward Forums, Citizens panels, focus groups, e-mails, questionnaires, petitions, letters and the council’s budget blog were all used in looking at where savings could be made.”

The Forum is held in public and those wishing to attend are asked to note that this meeting will take place in the Council Chamber, Council Offices, Dingwall from 7pm – 9pm.  There will also be an opportunity for a public question and answer session and all are welcome to attend. 

For further information about the Forum; to submit questions in advance of the meeting; or make known any special requirements/needs to help take part, please contact Dingwall and Seaforth Ward Manager, Liz Cowie, on 01349 868681 or by e-mailing liz.cowie@highland.gov.uk

1 Mar 2011