Positive report by inspectors for Ullapool Primary School

Ullapool Primary School has received a positive report following an inspection by HMIe.

During their visit the inspectors identified particular strengths including how courteous, well-behaved and well-motivated the pupils were, the valuable contributions made by all the staff to the life of the school and the support from the local community and partner agencies that enhance children’s learning. They also highlighted the positive start made by the head teacher towards improving children’s learning experiences. 

In their report they stated that the staff has high expectations of children’s attendance and behaviour.  The school has an inclusive ethos, equality and diversity are promoted and children are developing a good understanding of different cultures, religions and disabilities.

Children participate effectively in lessons, answer questions well and work confidently in groups and pairs.  Children in the nursery are achieving well.  Children’s achievements in additional activities enhance their learning and further develop their confidence and self-esteem.  They participate confidently in enterprise activities and these are linked well to their learning.  Children are developing their citizenship skills and are developing a good understanding of looking after their environment.

Roisin Dickson, Head Teacher, said: “The progress that the school is making is entirely down to the hard work of all the pupils, staff and parents and I am delighted that the report reflects this level of commitment. We look forward to developing the Curriculum for Excellence to enhance the learning and achievement of our pupils.”

Parents are very supportive of the school and there are strong links with the local community. 

Lesley Strachan, Parent Council Chairperson, noted that “confidence has been expressed in the work of the head teacher, staff and wider school community who have been deemed capable and competent to implement all necessary improvements as advised”.

She said: “The Parent Council aims to continue working in partnership with staff and pupils to help support the positive aims and aspirations of the school and we look forward to being part of future developments.”

1 Mar 2011