Inspectors give good marks for Inverness High

Teachers have “high expectations of young people” while youngsters themselves “work hard and want to do the best they can”: that is the positive message of the latest HM Inspectorate of Education (HMIE) report on Inverness High School.

Inspectors who called at the city school in early January were quick to identify four areas of special strength. In particular they commented that over recent years the High School had demonstrated a “sustained improvement in learning and teaching”.

Relationships between staff and young people were very positive while the arrangements to support young people in their learning drew equally favourable comment.

There was also a strong emphasis within the school on working well with a range of agencies to offer learning opportunities based on the needs of individual young people.

HMIE further noted that “teachers have a very good knowledge of their pupils and the strategies which help them to learn effectively”. 
The Head Teacher is praised for providing “a strong vision for the school” while his two Deputes are picked out for offering  high-quality support to faculties and being innovative and creative.  Other senior staff “support new development effectively and monitor the quality of learning and teaching well”.
Inspectors also noted that while there were many occasions for staff to take the lead through membership and running of various groups across the school, these also were extended to pupils who “have opportunities to lead through the leadership group, prefect duties, supporting younger pupils and being ambassadors for the school”.
Commenting on the report High School Rector, Ritchie Cunningham said:  “Staff and pupils are delighted that inspectors were so complimentary of the school. It is clear that they recognized not only the hard work that goes on but also the very positive and welcoming atmosphere in our school.

“We were particularly delighted that HMIE agreed with the areas of strength and progress identified by the school. As a result the formal inspection process concluded earlier than normal and inspectors spent the rest of their time engaging with staff as to how to take our development priorities forward. Indeed at a time when schools face major challenges not only in resources and but also in implementing the new Curriculum for Excellence,  it is comforting to know that Inverness High School is in good heart and can face the future with confidence.”

1 Mar 2011