Celebrate World Book Day at Inverness Library

Inverness Library will be hosting a special event on the evening of Thursday 3 March to mark World Book Day which will have a Brazilian flavour to it.

Fiona Thackeray, one of Scotland’s talented new authors and a prize winner in the last Neil Gunn Writing competition will be reading from her new book of short stories, “The secret is in the folding”.  She will also be sharing pictures and memories of her time in Brazil, which provides the setting for her stories.

People coming along will be able to hear how Fiona builds up a fascinating and colourful mosaic of Brazil and its people in her stories.  They can discover some interesting facts such as why some slaves had stripes down their backs and learn about the bandit folklore and life on the dry lands of Brazil.

Signed copies of “The secret is in the folding” will be on sale.  The evening begins at 7.30pm at Inverness Library and entry is free.

1 Mar 2011