Ronnie Rubbish hits cinema circuit

Ronnie Rubbish, the waste awareness film made by Portree High School pupils and which premiered at the High School in January, is to receive its first cinema screening this weekend.

The film is to be shown at Aros in Portree alongside ‘The King’s Speech‘ on Saturday, Sunday and Monday evening.

The 12 minute animation about a character called Ronnie, who fly- tips his rubbish, was the winning script in a competition run by The Highland Council to raise awareness about waste and recycling. The High School group, known as Room 122, won the opportunity to make their movie with film producer, John McGeoch, of Evanton based Arts in Motion.

Ronnie Rubbish will also tour the West Highlands on the Screen Machine, beginning in Ullapool on the 11th March, and is also due to be screened at Eden Court Cinema later in the spring.
The highly acclaimed and entertaining film, which includes music by bands from Portree High School is also proving to be a hit on YouTube.

1 Mar 2011