New business uses homes to unlock Highland mysteries

A new business has opened up that will allow people to find out more about the history of Sutherland through its houses and buildings.

Husband and wife team Pete and Sue Higgins offer a range of archaeological services, ranging from land surveys to guided historic tours of towns in the area.

With the help of Business Gateway Sutherland, the couple have now established Archaeology North.

Pete and Sue moved to Dornoch six years ago from Southampton after falling in love with the Highlands during a visit to see friends. Pete, who began his career as a botanist specialising in the identification of plant remains, took a job as a community gardener and Sue became manager at Dornoch’s museum, Historylinks. But they had a desire to run their own business using their previous experience in England.

Pete said: “We ran our own company in Southampton called Southern Archaeological Services, which combined Sue’s history knowledge with my own experience. It was successful but we felt that we needed a change. We fell in love with the north of Scotland while we were visiting friends and six years ago we decided we wanted to live there full time. We quickly got jobs but we both missed the thrill of owning and running a company.

“Through Sue’s job at the museum we got to know Dr Anne Johnston who did her doctorate in archaeology and medieval history, and has worked with Historic Scotland and Aberdeen City Council. We got chatting about our previous business and we realised that there was an opportunity to run a similar venture up here.”

Once Pete and Sue joined forces with Anne, they quickly and concisely outlined their visions and aims for the business.

Archaeology North, sees its core business as archaeological surveys for private or corporate clients planning new builds on undeveloped land.

However they also offer guided tours of historic Dornoch, ranging from a five minute tour of the conservation area to half day rambles around the town.
And another facet of the business that has already attracted a lot of bookings is the ‘House Histories’ service.

This involves researching the history of homes for householders in order to unearth any secrets and mysteries that they may hold.

Pete added: "We're a bit overwhelmed at the response to be honest. We can’t believe how busy we have been. We are on the Highland Council’s list of approved contractors which has been a great help and we have already received commissions by developers to survey eight different sites.
“We hope to keep on promoting the House Histories as they are proving very popular with intrigued families who want to know who lived in their homes before them and what kind of lives they may have led. Our aim is to encourage more and more people to learn about the history of the area using different methods. It’s rich in culture and this should be highlighted as much as possible.”

Pete and Sue were referred by the local authority to Business Gateway who quickly helped them to secure a marketing grant which have helped them promote the business.

Pete explains: "We knew more or less what we were doing, but it's always useful to talk to someone else who has a wider view and can see more of the game. David Knight of Business Gateway also ran over our business plan with us. I found it productive to talk to him as he has expert knowledge of the economy in our area. I was pleased to discover that he will maintain a link with us and that I can ring or e-mail if I need any further help. If he doesn't know the answer to my query, he will put me in touch with someone who does."
David Knight, Regional Development Officer, Business Gateway Sutherland said: “The archaeology of Sutherland is a major part of the cultural heritage of our area and should be celebrated and cherished. Pete and his team are contributing to this, in addition to providing another tourism opportunity in the county. Business Gateway was pleased to assist with the launch of Archaeology North and we wish the business every success.”
Business Gateway provides practical help, advice and support for new and growing businesses in Scotland.

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8 Mar 2011