Glasgow 2014 and The Highland Council ask everyone in the Highlands to “Sport Your Trainers” on Commonwealth Day

People in the Highlands are being encouraged to wear their trainers on Monday 14 March and support the Glasgow 2014 Commonwealth Games in a campaign launched by Provost of Inverness, Jimmy Gray and athlete Kathyrn Evans today (Tuesday 8 March 2010).

The national “Sport Your Trainers” day will encourage everyone from business leaders, schoolchildren and doctors to politicians, office workers and housewives to ditch their normal footwear and wear their trainers for the day to support Glasgow 2014. 

Launching the campaign in the Highlands, Provost of Inverness, Highland Councillor Jimmy Gray said: “Scotland was chosen to stage Glasgow 2014 which is a source of pride for everyone the length and breadth of the country. The support the Games receive from Scots everywhere will be crucial to its success and “Sport Your Trainers” day on Monday 14 March is a wonderful opportunity for people to get involved and send a message that the Commonwealth Games will be truly exceptional.

“The Games will have a direct impact on the Highlands by encouraging healthy lifestyles through the greater participation in sport and exercise. This has a positive knock-on effect by alleviating the cost to our local NHS and supporting local business growth.

“We’ll certainly be encouraging as many people as possible at Highland Council and among our partners to join in and be part of it.”

“Sport Your Trainers” will be held annually on Commonwealth Day for the next three years, with information available via  . All those planning to participate in the campaign are asked to visit the site and click the “I support Sport Your Trainers” button.

Kathryn Evans said: "The drama and excitement of the Games is hard to beat and competing in that atmosphere, as I did in Delhi, gives you a hunger to train and strive even harder to do well. The fact that Glasgow 2014 will be held in Scotland gives the event added significance and it will be an incredible feeling to complete in front of a home crowd.

“Everyone should feel part of the Games as it is a proud moment for Scotland to be hosting them. “Sport Your Trainers” is a great way for everyone in the Highlands to get involved and send a message that the next Games will be among the best ever staged. I hope everyone will wear their trainers to work, to school and as they go about their daily business on Monday 14 March."

Lord Smith, Chairman of the Glasgow 2014 Organising Committee said: “The support we received from all over Scotland was a crucial factor in Glasgow winning Glasgow 2014 and I’m sure that people throughout the country will embrace this new idea.

"It’s an enjoyable opportunity with a serious message, as one of the key reasons behind bringing the Games to Scotland is to encourage far more Scots to get active and take part in regular exercise.  I’m delighted that Highland has decided to support us and take part.”

Every local authority in Scotland is being encouraged to take part and head teachers at all of Scotland’s schools are being asked to allow pupils to participate.



8 Mar 2011