Highland pupils compete for Euro-info title

Pupils from ten Highland Primary schools are currently cramming up on European information as they prepare to go head to head in the topical knowledge Scotland-wide competition – Euroquiz.

Teams of four primary six pupils are taking part from Balloch, Cradlehall, Dornoch, Drakies, Farr (Inverness), Kiltearn, North Kessock, Portree, Resolis and Rosebank Primaries will compete in a Highland heat on Thursday 10 March from 10:30am to 12:30pm at Millburn Academy, Inverness. The winning team and school will go on to represent the authority at the Scottish final.

Organised by the Scottish European Educational Trust and sponsored by Standard Life, schools from all 32 Scottish local authorities will be in the national final in May in the debating chamber of the Scottish Parliament, in Edinburgh.

The sort of questions that the pupils might be expected to answer cover history, geography, sport, culture, the European Union and general knowledge.

The aim of the competition is to increase knowledge of Europe and the European Union in an enjoyable and interesting way.

Councillor Bill Fernie, Chairman of The Highland Council’s Education, Culture and Sport Committee said: “In the run up to the competition, teams are chosen in schools throughout the Highlands. In order to do this every child in the participating primary six classes learns about Europe. Even if they don’t make the team – they are all winners, as their awareness and education on European matters is raised that bit higher.”

The Scottish European Educational Trust is a registered charity, set up in 1993. The Chairman is Gerald Wilson, C.B, former Secretary of the Scottish Office Education and Industry Department. The Trust aims to provide information about Europe and the European Union to schools, colleges and universities. It works closely with the European Parliament, the European Commission, Learning Teaching Scotland, Eurodesk, the British Council and the Scottish Government

8 Mar 2011