Tenant Information Days in Skye and Lochalsh

The Highland Council and Lochalsh and Skye Housing Association are hosting two Tenant Information Days in Skye and Lochalsh to provide information on a wide range of topics and to give tenants the opportunity to get involved and have their say on local housing issues.

The first information day will be held in Kyle next Tuesday (March 15) which will be followed by one in Portree on Wednesday April 6th.

Both days will be an informal drop in session, with direct access to Council and Housing Association staff for information and advice on issues including Income Maximisation, Green Dog Walkers anti dog fouling scheme, Energy Saving Advice, Housing Issues, Reducing Waste, and Handyperson Services.  Representatives will also be there from Highlands and Islands Fire and Rescue Community Safety section and High Scot Credit Union.

Tenants can also hear about the new 2010 Scottish Housing Bill and will have the opportunity to have a say in forming the Scottish Social Housing Charter.

The Information Day on the 15th March will run at the Kyle Hotel, Kyle of Lochalsh from 1:00pm - 5:00pm and 6:00pm - 8:30pm.  On the 6th April it will take place in the   Council Chambers, Tigh na Sgire, Portree from 2:00pm - 5:00pm and 6:00pm - 8:30pm.

There will be a free prize draw on each day with the chance to win a £30 Grocery shopping voucher. Teas and Coffees will be available all day and there will be a Kiddies Corner for the under 5’s

For more information call Mandy Macleman, Tenant Participation Officer on 01349 868471 or email mandy.macleman@highland.gov.uk


9 Mar 2011