New housing in the city for older people

The Highland Council’s Housing and Social Work Committee has agreed to develop new housing for older people on the site of the former Burnside care home in Inverness.
The Council agreed earlier this year to refurbish the nearby Ach-an-eas care home, and also that the site at Burnside should be used for the benefit of the elderly in Inverness. 
Various options were considered for Burnside, including selling the land to raise money for a development elsewhere in the city.  However, Councillors have agreed that the Burnside site was an excellent location for new housing for older people, and this proposal will now be included in the planning for future Council house developments in the Highlands.
It is envisaged that the Burnside site will provide around 12 bungalows.  If tenants have care needs, these would be provided by local care at home services.
Councillor Margaret Davidson, chairman of the Housing and Social Work Committee, welcomed the decision.  She said: “This is very good news for older people in Inverness.  This is a central, accessible and very attractive location, and it is ideal for dedicated housing for older people.  While we could have looked elsewhere in Inverness, I am very pleased that we will be continuing the tradition of older people’s services here at Burnside.”


9 Mar 2011