Additional funding secured for Highland UHIS

The Highland Council has secured an additional £179,000 to deliver the Universal Home Insulation Scheme.

The Scottish Government-funded scheme has been running in Highland since November 2010 in the wards of Skye, Badenoch and Strathspey, and East Sutherland and Edderton. As a consequence of the free insulation on offer, the scheme has been oversubscribed and surveys and works were put on hold during February.

The Scottish Government made an original allocation of £80,000 in additional funds on the 1st March 2011 but further discussion saw this figure rise to £179,000 last week.
A total of 16,906 households were contacted as part of the promotion of the scheme and 2,236 households referred for surveys. The additional funding will enable all these surveys to take place and for cavity and loft insulation measures to be installed in properties identified as needing them. Contractor Eaga Scotland Ltd. will be contacting all relevant households over the next few weeks to arrange appointments.
The Highland Council would like to thank all those households involved for their patience while additional funding has been secured.
Already 1,895 households have had surveys and over 1,500 insulation measures have been carried out across the three areas. A full breakdown of the numbers of households referred to the scheme, surveys carried out, measures identified and measures installed will be available in April/May when the scheme is reported back to the Government and The Highland Council.


15 Mar 2011