Two Awards in One Day with National Recognition of Highland Council’s Pre-Application Advice Service

The Pre-Application Advice Service for Major Developments, a cross Highland Council and other public agency project led by the Planning and Development Service, received a commendation in the Development Management category at the Scottish Awards for Quality in Planning and a Silver Award in the Service Innovation and Improvement category at the COSLA Awards on March 11th 2011.

The Service helps to make the planning process more efficient by encouraging early and effective discussion with developers to better inform their subsequent planning applications. The service offers advice on a range of issues including transport arrangements, design, sustainability and community engagement.  Since 2009, over 50 major development proposals have used the Service.

The judges at the Scottish Awards for Quality in Planning considered the Pre-Application Advice Service facilitated a “greater understanding of the key issues involved with individual developments and providing opportunities to develop relevant solutions.”

The COSLA awards celebrate the very best in Scottish local government. Their emphasis is on rewarding the most innovative and passionate developments, and on recognising projects that can demonstrate excellent service.
Councillor Ian Ross, Chairman of The Highland Council’s Planning Environment and Development Committee, added: “We are delighted to have received these prestigious awards which reflect the strong and constructive working relationship between the council and its partners since the inception of this service in February 2009. The Pre-Application Advice Service offers a great opportunity for the Council and the development industry to work closely together to help deliver better quality new developments, stengthen our communities and deliver sustainable economic growth for the Highlands.”


16 Mar 2011