Fighting Clan returns to her Highland homeland where she will be open to visitors and exercise her Freedom of Sutherland

Issued by Royal Navy, UK Regional Media and Communications

HMS Sutherland will visit her affiliated county of Sutherland from March 24-28, going alongside at Invergordon

Members of the ship’s company will exercise their Freedom of the County of Sutherland in Dornoch on Friday March 25 at 2pm

Ship will open her gangway to members of the public on Saturday and Sunday (March 26 and 27) from 1pm-4.30pm on both days

Royal Navy Type 23 frigate, HMS Sutherland – known as the ‘Fighting Clan’ – is preparing to visit her Highland home.

Sutherland will arrive at Invergordon on March 24 for a five-day visit, during which her ship’s company will be involved in a packed programme of activities.

The ship is very proud of her Scottish connections and is particularly honoured to be granted permission to exercise her Freedom of the County of Sutherland.

Her busy schedule kicks off on Thursday with a small lunch party for invited guests, including Lord Strathnaver and the Naval Regional Commander Scotland and Northern Ireland, Commodore Charles Stevenson, who will both have boarded the ship on Wednesday and spent overnight on board.

The lunch will later be followed by a capability demonstration for local and civic dignitaries, which will allow the crew to explain the importance of her role and ability.

On Friday, the ship will get her opportunity to exercise her Freedom of the County of Sutherland – a great honour and one which brings with it tradition and spectacle, as members of the ship’s company take to the streets of Dornoch, bayonets fixed, drums beating and colours flying.

Sutherland’s crew will be joined for the parade by the Royal Marine Band Scotland, on a rare visit to the north of Scotland.

Setting off from Dornoch Police Station at 2pm, the parade will wind through Dornoch, where it is hoped that local residents will gather in support of the ship, culminating at 3pm with a civic reception at Dornoch Social Club for invited guests.

And on Saturday and Sunday, local people can find out more about their very own ship when HMS Sutherland opens her gangway to visitors from 1pm-4.30pm on both days, providing an opportunity to meet the crew and experience life onboard a warship.

In addition to this hectic programme, a number of Sea Cadet units and schools will get the opportunity to tour the ship.

HMS Sutherland has an impressive sporting track record and will once again look to pit her Rugby and Football teams against the strong local teams over the weekend of the visit before the visit culminates in an affiliates at sea day on the Monday.  

HMS Sutherland’s Commanding Officer, Commander Roger Readwin, said: “It is highly important to maintain strong links with our affiliated county, and it is a genuine honour to take the opportunity for HMS Sutherland, one of the Royal Navy’s most potent frigates, to visit her affiliated county.

“Never has the Royal Navy been more relevant than now and the chance to demonstrate our capability at a time when we remain at high operational readiness will further affirm our connection with Sutherland. We hope that plenty of local people will come along when the ship is open to see for themselves.

“And we look forward, too, to receiving plenty of support during our Freedom of the County march, which is a huge honour.”

Convener of Highland Council, Councillor Sandy Park, said: “It is an extreme honour, and gives me great pleasure to grant permission to Commanding Officer Readwin and Ship’s Company of HMS Sutherland to exercise their right to the Freedom of Sutherland.

“We extend a warm welcome to HMS Sutherland and Her Majesty’s Royal Marines Band Scotland on this special visit to the Highlands.”

HMS Sutherland is the nominated escort of the Royal Navy’s Flagship, HMS Albion, and is tasked with protecting her if the United Kingdom’s Response Force Task Group is called upon to maintain peace and security. Ahead of a planned deployment in April 2011, HMS Sutherland will be exercising her capability with our allies during a multinational exercise of the coast of Scotland on completion of the visit to her affiliated County.

21 Mar 2011