Opportunity to bid for £80 million worth of Highland transport contracts

The Highland Council is inviting tenders for the provision of public bus services and home to school transport services across the whole of the Council area, with a potential value of up to £80 million over the 5 year life of the contracts.

The Council are looking to encourage as many suppliers as possible to take advantage of this opportunity which gives local suppliers the chance to bid for services in their community. Tenders from small enterprises and community groups are also being encouraged.

Operators can register their interest in bidding for these contracts at the Public Contracts Scotland website by using this link - http://www.publiccontractsscotland.gov.uk/search/show/search_view.aspx?ID=MAR089752

After registering the supplier will receive a notice giving them access to the Public Procurements Website where details of the contracts being offered, the deadlines for expression of interest, and the deadlines for submission of completed tenders are available.

The deadline for expressing interest is the 21 April with all tender submissions to be returned by 12 noon on the 5 May.

Anyone wishing further details should visit the Public Contracts Scotland Website,  email procurement.unit1@highland.gov.uk or telephone 01463 703978.


21 Mar 2011