Gaelic Medium Education stakeholders invited to have their say on 25th anniversary

As part of Highland Council’s celebrations of 25 years of Gaelic Medium Education (GME), the authority is inviting parents, former Gaelic medium pupils, teachers and others who have had involvement with GME to discuss progress so far and to consider ideas for future development.

In recognition of the crucial role played by parents in developing GME provision, the Council is organising five community based consultation events throughout the Highlands to gather views.

Councillor Hamish Fraser, Chairman of The Highland Council’s Gaelic Committee said: “These events aim to provide an opportunity for parents of former and current Gaelic Medium pupils, and others with an interest in GME to come together to look at what has been achieved in the past 25 years and what aspirations there might be for the future.”

The events hope to find out what has worked well for GME, what the challenges and obstacles have been to expansion, and how the future of GME can grow and strengthen.

The discussion workshops will look at all aspects of Gaelic Medium Education, from pre-school, through primary and secondary provision as well as looking at community based extra-curricular provision.

A day of Gaelic Medium activities for primary aged children including a crèche for under 5’s, will also take place at each event being held on Saturdays at Inverness 7 May; Ullapool 14 May; Dingwall 21 May; Fort William 28 May; and Portree 4 June.

It is hoped that past and present Gaelic Medium parents, former Gaelic medium pupils and teachers will be keen to participate in these workshops.  Places can be booked by contacting Margaret Mulholland: 01463 724278.

22 Mar 2011