Young musicians audition day

May 28th is Regional Music Groups Audition Day which will see 400 young musicians from all over the Highlands meet up in Inverness to take part in workshops, performance groups and individual auditions.

The Highland Council’s Music Development Officer Norman Bolton said:  “The audition day is a vital part of the selection process for our eight Regional music groups which are run as an extension to the work of the Council’s Instrumental Tuition Service.  It ensures that whilst maximum participation is encouraged, high musical standards are also maintained.  All the Regional Music Groups continue to perform at the highest level and are in growing demand for performances in addition to those planned in the Groups calendar.”

The eight groups are the Highland Regional Youth Orchestra; Highland Schools Wind Band; Highland Youth String Orchestra; Highland Youth Big Band; ‘snas (ceilidh Band); Highland Youth Pipe Band; Còisir G (Regional Gaelic Choir); Highland Youth Choir.

Held at Millburn Academy, the main part of the audition day runs from 10.30am until 4.30pm.  Parents and carers will be able to come along at 3.45pm to hear some short performances and also find out about The Friends of Highland Young Musicians, an organisation which plays a vital part in supporting all the Regional Music Groups.

Application booklets and further information for anyone wishing to come and take part can be obtained by contacting Angeline Walker on 01349 868271.

During session 2010/11 the Groups have all had an incredibly successful year with highly acclaimed performances in Aviemore’s MacDonald Highland Resort’s Osprey Arena and Eden Court, Inverness

The 2011/12 season will see the Highland Youth Choir and Regional Youth Orchestra perform the Scottish premiere of the WWF commission One Sun, One World at the Groups November performances in Aviemore’s MacDonald Highland Resort on 19th November with further performances by all the other Groups scheduled for that same date.  All the Groups will also perform at an Inverness venue in March 2012.

Details of all the Groups can be found at:


3 May 2011