Adult Basic Education looking for new volunteers

The Highland Council’s Adult Basic Education Co-ordinator for Nairn, Badenoch and Strathspey is seeking volunteers to help locals with their learning.

Mohamed Hamada, ABE Co-ordinator is looking for people who might be interested in becoming voluntary tutors. ABE offers free tutor training courses for people who are interested in helping on a voluntary basis. This is a nationally recognised course which, when accredited, will lead to a Scottish Qualifications Authority Professional Development Award.

As part of The Highland Council's Education, Culture and Sport Service, Adult Basic Education provides free, confidential tuition on a one-to-one or small group basis.

Mohamed said: “We are looking for people who are interested in people; good at listening; discreet; have a sense of humour; and are reliable. Anyone interested in volunteering and making a difference should get in touch.

“ABE tutors can help others to improve their reading, writing or spelling, be able to help their children with their homework, learn computer skills, or improve their number work.”

ABE helps people who want to improve their basic skills. Tuition is free and confidential. There are no classrooms and everyone has their own learning plan to meet their individual needs.

Anyone interested in volunteering or finding out more about ABE should contact Mohamed at his Nairn base in the ABE Office above Nairn Library on tel: 01667 458556 or Council’s Service Point in Aviemore on tel: 01479 811689

Further information about Adult Basic Education is available on the Internet at

5 May 2011