Business brains of the future

Young entrepreneurs from across Highland and Moray this week proved that they can run successful businesses and are among the top business brains in Scotland.

Teams of fifth and sixth year secondary school students taking part in the Young Enterprise Scotland Company Programme competed for the prizes including Best Overall Company at the regional Innovation Awards at Nairn on Wednesday 4 May. Teams from Dingwall Academy, Farr High School, Forres Academy, Fortrose Academy and Inverness Royal Academy competed for 11 Awards.

The winning team for the Best Overall Company, ‘Farr Safer’ from Farr High School in Bettyhill, will now go forward to the Scottish Finals to be held in Glasgow in June where they will compete against 16 other teams from around the country.

Importing, marketing and selling heel cleats and personal safety equipment, the team were praised by judges for great innovation, good leadership, commitment and enthusiasm.  The cleats are available in a range of sizes and are fitted to shoes to improve grip during bad weather or when hill walking.  As well as making sales to individuals and private and public sector organisations the group have travelled to Latvia to take part in a European Young Enterprise trading event that further widened their experience.

Presenting Farr High pupils with their award, Highland Councillor Helen Carmichael said: “My congratulations to the team from Farr High School, Bettyhill for their achievement in winning the Best Overall Company Shield at the Highland Finals. Farr is a small school in an isolated rural area, however they are an enthusiastic team who worked well together, who had a great product idea and a first class teacher. They ‘learnt by doing’ which is the motto of the Young Enterprise programme.”

Also celebrating success were four Highland and Moray students who have proved themselves by picking up the top four places in Scotland.  This year 1,059 Young Enterprise students sat a business exam set and administered by Strathclyde University Business School and Anna Rose, Ellie Cooper, Catriona Mallows (all of Fortrose Academy) and Edward Tissiman (Forres Academy) have recently been announced as the top candidates in the country.

All these young people have been taking part in the Young Enterprise Scotland Company Programme – a scheme that helps 15-19 year olds experience the challenges of running a business.  They are supported by teachers, a volunteer business advisor from the local community, and an area board.

The awards are recognition of the hard work, dedication and professionalism of all those involved.

Linda Thomas, Chair of the Highland and Moray Board said: “Over the years we have seen some fine examples of entrepreneurship and creativity, and this year is no different.  Young people taking part in the programme gain a range of skills in the areas of finance, marketing and business administration, as well as team work, communication and interpersonal skills - valuable life skills which will be of real benefit whatever they decide to do in the future.”


6 May 2011