Ward Forum gets waste aware

The Cromarty Firth Ward Forum has invited Colin Clark, The Highland Council’s Head of Waste Management along to the Cromarty Firth ward forum on Wednesday (11th May 2011).

He will focus on Scotland’s Zero Waste Plan and its impact on Council Services and Business. Mr Clark said:  “The Zero Waste Plan aims to minimise the amount of waste that is produced and ensure that where waste is produced as much as possible is recycled.  It gives us ambitious targets and has implications for all of us, individuals and businesses as well as for the Council itself.”

Councillor Maxine Smith said:  “We know local people regard this as a real priority and want to see as much progress as possible. We would urge people to come along, talk to Colin Clark and ask any questions they have.” 
The Ward Forum is being held in the Alness Heritage Centre, High Street, Alness on Wednesday 11th May from 7.30pm to 9.30pm. There will also be time available for questions from the public.  Teas and coffees will be available from 7pm to 7.30pm.

Ward Forums have been set up across the Highlands to help you have your say in what's happening in your area. The forums meet regularly in public led by the Ward Elected Members in each area, assisted by the Ward Manager. Representatives of Community Councils and partner agencies, such as the police also attend the forums.  If you have an enquiry about your Forum; would like to submit questions in advance of the meeting; or have any special requirements/needs to help you take part, please contact Helen Ross at the Invergordon Service Point or by phoning 01349 855524 or by emailing helen.ross@highland.gov.uk.   

Further information and past Ward Forum notes can also be found on the Highland Council website http://www.www.highland.gov.uk/ under “Your Ward”.

9 May 2011