New Rector for Dingwall Academy

The new Rector of Dingwall Academy will be Mrs Karen Cormack, the Depute Rector at the school.

Mrs Cormack will succeed Graham MacKenzie, who retires at the end of the current school session after 14 years as Rector.

Brought up in Argyll, Mrs Cormack attended Dunoon Grammar School. After leaving in 1985, she undertook teacher training at the then Dunfermline College of Physical Education in Edinburgh, graduating in 1989. 

Her first teaching post was at the Nicolson Institute, Stornoway, in 1989. She then taught at Farr Secondary between1992 – 1995.  During her time in these posts, she started an Open University degree and graduated from the Open University in 1996. This allowed her to complete an additional teaching qualification in Geography. 

She was appointed Principal Teacher of Physical Education at Rothesay Academy in 1995 before moving to Dingwall Academy as Assistant Rector in 1999. She was then appointed Depute Rector and in 2008, she started working towards the Standard for Headship through The Highland Council Flexible Routes programme and completed this last year.

Mrs Cormack said: “I am absolutely delighted to be taking over the post at Dingwall and very aware of the challenges involved in leading a large school during these times of significant change.  I know the staff and pupils of Dingwall Academy well and look forward to working with them all as we continue to implement the new curriculum.”

11 May 2011