Lochaber interschool tag rugby tournament

Scotland international rugby players Max Evans and Hefin O’Hare recently visited Fort William to meet pupils at the annual Lochaber interschool tag rugby tournament on 4 May.

The event was a great success with over 280 pupils from 22 schools (19 primary plus 3 Secondary) taking part.  Everyone had a great day, with beautiful weather and the added attraction of the international players.

The pitch was divided into four for the primary tournament and was awash with colour as all the schools took to the field. The standard of rugby is improving every year as the Lochaber Rugby Club's Community Coach Steven Traill has been working very hard visiting the schools to provide pre-tournament Tag Rugby Coaching.

The final for the P4/5 competition was Upper Achintore v Inverlochy with Upper Achintore the winners and the final for the P6/7 competition was Spean Bridge v St. Marys with Spean Bridge the winners.

In the afternoon 5 teams competed over two pitches: Lochaber High 1 & 2, Kinlochleven High 1 & 2 and a team from Mallaig High.

This competition was fast and free flowing rugby which the pupils enjoyed, and the final game was Mallaig  v Lochaber (1) with Mallaig winning. Congratulations to the winners and well done to all the other schools that took part.

Thanks go to The Highland Council’s Active School Co-ordinators who help with running the tournament, especially Bridget Thomas and PE teacher Carol Cairns who had the task of managing the running order and also to Lochaber Rugby Club's coaches and referees who all took time off from their own busy lives to support this event.

13 May 2011