A batty weekend in Inverness

People with an interest in bats are being invited to participate in a workshop or attend a talk organised by Inverness Bat Group and Highland Council’s Countryside Rangers.

“Using your ears” is the title of a workshop for people with an interest in bat watching on Friday 20 May at 7.30pm which will be held indoors at Great Glen House before heading outside to put skills learned into practice. No previous experience is necessary; attendance costs £3 per person for the 3 hour event.

Katy Martin, Highland Council’s Senior Ranger for Inverness said: “Inverness is a great place for watching bats and this workshop will give people a chance to learn more about these midgy munching creatures.”

On Saturday 21 May, Natalie Todman will give a talk on her research work tracking Daubenton’s bats on the Union Canal. Everyone is welcome and donations are welcome to cover costs. Starting at 7.30pm at Kilmorack Community Hall the talk will last for about an hour. This will be followed by a visit to a bat roost.

Juli Comery, Chair of the Inverness Bat Groups says: “Having a bat trainer like Natalie coming to tell us about her work and train us is a great opportunity.”

Finally, on Monday 23 May the Inverness Bat Group AGM takes place at 6.15pm at Great Glen House. It’s a chance to comment on the direction of the Group and join in with activities for summer 2011. The meeting will be followed by a visit to Ness Islands to check bat boxes.

For more information contact Katy Martin on tel: 01463 710786.

16 May 2011