Update on Dingwall Leisure Centre swimming pool closure

The Highland Council apologises to people in the Dingwall area for the continued closure of Dingwall Leisure Centre swimming pool and reminds all High Life members that their membership is valid at 14 other swimming pools across the Highlands including nearest Alness, Invergordon, Tain and Inverness pools.

Dingwall Leisure Centre Manager Scott Lindsay explains the reasons for the closure: “The replacement of two roof beams has been programmed for some time and was due to commence mid April this year.  However, as part of a routine inspection it was noticed that one of the beams to be replaced had cracked and to ensure the health and safety of customers and staff, the decision was taken to close the pool hall immediately until an in depth survey was carried out.

“A structural survey has been undertaken and unfortunately the damage is worse than was first anticipated.”

“One question discussed with property colleagues was whether it was possible to reopen the pool with a temporary repair/shoring up of the roof, while more significant plans, costings and finances are developed. However, this has not proved practical” 

The works required and the costs of replacing the roof will be considerable and if the funding can be found, it is likely that works will continue until approximately February 2012.  The pool will have to remain closed during this period.  Although the swimming pool is closed all other facilities/activities are available within Dingwall Leisure Centre as normal.

Scott Lindsay added: “I am sorry that closure of the pool is to go on for much longer than originally planned. As soon as we know if it possible to secure the funds, what the best course of action is and how long it will take we will advertise this accordingly to our customers. In the meantime I will be talking to groups and customers who use the pool about alternative provision, and working with colleagues to see whether time can be made available at other pools for clubs and others”

17 May 2011