Highlanders urged to nominate Torchbearers for Olympic flame

The Highland Council welcomes the decision by the London 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games (LOCOG) organising committee to include the Highland area on the Olympic Torch Relay route throughout Britain.

During the Torch Relay, Inverness will also host one of the five Scottish city evening celebrations on Saturday 9th June 2012.

Welcoming the impending arrival of the Olympic Torch to Inverness and the Highlands, Provost of Inverness Highland Councillor Jimmy Gray said, “The Torch, which is steeped in history and heritage is a key symbol of the Olympics. Our iconic Highland landscapes will provide a fitting backdrop for the Torch’s route in our area.

“I would encourage sports groups from the Highland area to nominate people for consideration as bearers to carry the Torch as it journeys through the north. For many people it will be their only opportunity in a lifetime to see the Olympic flame and for that reason I hope that they will take the chance to become involved.”

The Torch Relay is geared to inspiring people across the country to live healthier lifestyles, to be more active and to get involved in both sporting and community activities.

Provost Gray added: “We hope that the relay will showcase our area, our people, our fantastic natural environment, and enhance our reputation on a global stage as a place to visit, live, work, invest, learn and do business.”

The relay will also promote Scotland’s readiness for 2014 and its reputation as a world-class events destination, contributing to the long term economic growth of Scotland. Scottish athletes will contribute to the success of team GB in 2012, gaining valuable experience in advance of the Commonwealth Games in 2014.

LOCOG is looking for nominations for runners to carry the Torch. For details of how to make nominations go to http://www.london2012.com/games/olympic-torch-relay. Nominees should have achieved something significant in their chosen field or interest which could serve to inspire others.

18 May 2011