New Highland schools on track for completion by 2012/13

Plans to spend £33 million on new school projects in the Highlands were welcomed today by members of The Highland Council’s Education, Culture and Sport (ECS) Committee.

The unprecedented spending on seven major school building projects is underway or due for completion in either this financial year or during the first half of financial year 2012/13. These projects include: 

Design work will also begin during 2011/12 on a number of new projects:

Welcoming the progress in the Education, Culture and Sport Service’s Capital programme Chairman of the ECS Committee Councillor Bill said: “This the largest number of projects being progressed at the same time for many years. We all welcome the investment in our schools as we strive to provide 21st century education for our young people.”

Councillor David Alston, Budget Leader, said: “We are delighted that we have cross-party support for a capital spending programme of more than £60 million in this financial year. A  similar spending trend is planned for the next couple of years.  This is very good news for our local communities and for the construction industry in these challenging economic times.”

20 May 2011