Proposed new speed limits for city streets

Inverness residents are to be consulted on a proposed “20’s Plenty” scheme following a Highland Council Ward Forum held last week. The discussion focused on motorists taking short cuts through residential areas, including Maxwell Drive, Smith Avenue and Park Road to avoid congestion in the City Centre. Although there had been no recorded serious accidents recently, Forum participants heard of community fears that accidents were likely if action was not taken.

To discourage this practice of “rat-running” the Council proposes to introduce an advisory speed limit of 20 m.p.h. on Maxwell Drive, Smith Avenue, Lindsay Avenue and Park Road.

The Ward Forum was held jointly by Inverness Central and Inverness West Wards. Participants included Bob Mitchell, Area Manager North with Transport Scotland and Steve Walker, Stagecoach Managing Director.

Councillors for the Inverness West Ward Alasdair Christie, Pauline Munro and Alex Graham agreed to finance the project from the Ward Discretionary Fund.

Depute Provost Councillor Graham who chaired the Forum said: ”My Ward colleagues and I felt there was a compelling case for introducing speed limits in this area.  Some pedestrians such as older people or those walking with young children or push chairs need extra consideration, especially as children are encouraged to walk to school.  Having “20’s Plenty” advisory speed limits will make drivers more aware of the needs of all road users and discourage them  from using the streets during peak time as a quick “rat run”.  They will improve road safety for everyone.  Fortunately no injury road collisions have been recorded on these roads during the last 3 years, and we hope these limits will help to continue that in the future.”
Leaflets with details of the proposals are to be delivered to local residents next week and people are invited to comment in writing about the proposal to Richard Evans, Area Roads & Community Works Manager, The Highland Council, 94 Diriebught Road Inverness IV2 3QN.

The Council is also to consult with the Emergency Services prior to any implementation.

23 May 2011