Inverness Fireworks reach new heights

The Highland Council Fireworks Display on Saturday (November 5th 2011) attracted a crowd estimated to be in the region of 15,000 to Bught Park on a night that the Fireworx Scotland Display team described afterwards as a "Pyrotechnician's Dream".
The evening started with entertainment provided by the Merkinch based Falcon Drummers and an imaginative display of fire twirling by Fly Agaric which included a cyclist furiously pedalling a bicycle with flaming tyres around his fellow performers in the darkness. Deputy Provost Alec Graham then stepped forward with 11 year old Struan Maclean to light the giant sixty feet high bonfire which had been constructed by the Highland Council's Technical Services team using thousands of wooden pallets dontated by the local business community; and on night with hardly a breath of wind in the air, the flames quickly shot two hundred feet straight up as the bonfire roared into life. The heat produced by the monster could be felt by the spectators located behind the barriers one hundred yards away; and for a while the field fell silent as everyone stood and simply watched the inferno.
Fifteen minutes later, after a countdown led by young Struan, the sound of Shirley Bassey demanding that the party got started filled the air and the twenty minute musically cheorgraphed firework display started.

7 Nov 2011