Polling day at Inverness South By-Election

Polling will take place between 7 am – 10 pm on Thursday 3 November in the seven-cornered by-election for a vacancy on The Highland Council’s Ward 20 Inverness South.
The candidates are:

The polling stations are:

Those intending to vote are reminded that the single transferable vote system is being used. Instead of using a cross, voters are asked to number the candidates in the order of their choice eg placing the number 1 next to the name of the candidate who is their first choice; 2 next to their second choice etc. Voters can mark as many or as few choices as they like.

Late postal voters can hand their postal votes into any of the polling stations up until 10 pm on Thursday.

The count will take place on Friday 4 November at Inverness Town House, commencing at 9.30 am.

The vacancy was created by the resignation of Mr John Holden.


1 Nov 2011