Positive HMIe report on Raasay Primary School and Nursery

In a recent HMIe inspection of Raasay Primary School and Nursery the following key strengths were identified:

Her Majesty’s Inspectors said that the children in the nursery and primary classes were learning and achieving well. They were making good progress in English and mathematics. They were developing good skills in literacy and numeracy in real life contexts. Nursery children were learning through a wide range of well-planned play experiences. Children worked together in groups of mixed ages effectively and enjoyed taking responsibilities. They had worked with the local community and led the development of their school pond.

Across the school and the nursery, children showed a sound knowledge of healthy eating and healthy lifestyles. Through their work on the human body children were aware of resuscitation and had helped the community fund raise for a life saving device to be housed on Raasay. Children were developing well their knowledge of basic Gaelic words and songs.

HMIe Inspectors felt that staff provided good support for children in the school and nursery. In her short time in post the new headteacher had created strong team work and provided children with more motivating learning experiences. She had established good partnership working with parents.

HMIe Inspectors made three recommendations for the school which include continuing to develop the curriculum taking account of Curriculum for Excellence; improving further the attainment in English language and mathematics, where required; and continuing to develop robust measures to monitor and track children’s progress.

HMIe Inspectors are confident that the school’s self evaluation processes are leading to improvements. As a result, Education Scotland will make no further visits in connection with this inspection.  A copy of the letter is available at the following link:   www.educationscotland.gov.uk

Mrs. Wilma Duncan, Head Teacher, said:  “This report is very positive and acknowledges all of the hard work undertaken by pupils and staff. Pupils at Raasay Primary have worked extremely hard in their learning and are keen and enthusiastic and a credit to us all. We would like to acknowledge the continued valuable support of our parents for the school.”

Kirsteen Macleod, Chairperson of the Parent Council, said: “The Parent Council welcomes the findings of the report.  As parents it is reassuring to know that our school has been recognised by the HMI Inspectors for delivering a very high standard of education whilst also maintaining and strengthening its relationship with the community. We look forward to continuing our partnership with the school to enhance the quality of our children’s education. Well done Raasay Primary School.”

8 Nov 2011