Caithness Wards Discretionary Budget Awards

Caithness Members of The Highland Council have pledged to support this year's “DA DOONIE DAY” Viking Festival which will take place in Wick on Friday 25 November.The event, which is run by Thurso Rotary Club, will receive financial support of up to £3,000 from each of the three ward discretionary budgets to assist with the cost of staging the event.

Caithness Community Care Forum Young carers project have also been awarded £600 from each of the three ward budgets whilst Wick and Landward members have agreed £1,500 each to the Laurandy Centre Befriending Caithness scheme.

Landward members have also agreed to assist both the Keiss Family Community Project and the Thrumster Play Park group with awards of £10,000 each towards the cost of their projects.

Thurso members have also agreed to award a further £15,000 to Thurso Rotary Club towards the cost of their latest project to improve facilities at Thurso Mall which will increase the path network and improve facilities for the disabled whilst the organisers of the Hogmanay in Thurso street party have been awarded £500 to assist with their expenses.

Funding given from the Discretionary Budgets is in the main provided to assist organisations in attracting match funding and so far this year awards of £118,000 has been matched by £189,367 from other sources.

10 Nov 2011