Highland Leader chosen as Scottish Local Politician of the Year

This year’s award for Local Government Politician of the year, sponsored by Improvement Service and Robertson Group, was won by the Leader of The Highland Council, Councillor Michael Foxley, for his campaigning on issues such as the threat to coastguard stations and emergency tugs and for reform of the Crown Estate.

Councillor Foxley received his award at a ceremony in Edinburgh, sponsored by the Herald newspaper.

He said: “I am thrilled with this prestigious award, which reflects highly on our role as a campaigning Council for the benefit of our communities. While as the leader I am often the public face of our campaigning initiatives, there is a tremendous team in the Council who support these efforts”.

Councillor Foxley is the longest-serving councillor in the Highlands, having entered local government in 1986.

The Highland Council Convener Sandy Park proudly announced Councillor Foxley’s success at the close of the Council’s own annual Quality Awards held at the Town House, Inverness, which was being held at the same time as the Herald awards.

Councillor Park said:  “We are all thrilled at Michael’s success. It is a richly deserved reward for the huge amount of work he dedicates to campaigning issues, such as the reform of the Crown Estate and retaining the emergency towing vessels based at Stornoway and Shetland and the Coastguard Service.”



11 Nov 2011