Highland Youth Voice Conference – “Get The Message”!

Highland Youth Voice, the elected youth parliament for the Highlands, meets this week (17th – 19th November) at Badaguish Outdoor Centre, near Aviemore. The conference has been planned by young people with a theme of “Get the Message” and will look at how young people can get their messages across and influence change in the Highlands. 

HYV members will hear from the Joint Committee for Children and Young People as they are hosting their meeting in front of the parliament, with the programme instigating a question time – where the Joint Committee will act as the panel.

The agenda plays host to several workshops on the theme of communication as the parliament will be involved in graphics, video and radio workshops. HYV members will also be given a ‘one minute to make a difference’ challenge – filming a 60 second video bite to raise an issue they are passionate about and to get change made!

An ‘Open Mic’ session and area workshops will give Youth Voice members the opportunity to discuss other issues of importance to young people in Highland.

HYV members will take back information from the conference and issues raised to other young people in schools, youth groups and communities in their local areas.

The parliament will also be a focus group for The Highland Council’s Citizens Panel – for which they will engage in survey work. There will be entertainment too, with ‘The Quiz!’ arranged by HYV members and a ceilidh with local musicians from Feis Spe.

Highland Youth Convener Stuart Davidson said: “This will be my first conference I will attend as the Youth Convener. I have previously chaired this parliament and know the capability of all its members. This is an excellent opportunity for young people to make a difference in their local areas, with the valued respect from their Youth Development Officers, elected Highland Council Members, Directors, Heads of Services and the Chief Executive. I look forward to this opportunity and to feedback all issues raised to The Highland Council post conference.”

Councillor Margaret Davidson, Chairman of the Joint Committee, said: “It is always invigorating to attend Youth Voice. Taking our Joint Committee for Children and Young people to the conference is a first and I am really looking forward to the panel session and meeting many of the young people at the conference.”

Highland Youth Voice is managed by High life Highland and gives young people a chance to have their say and meet decision makers.

For further information, please contact the Youth Services team, High life Highland on 01463 663812.

14 Nov 2011